Warehouse Operations
Productivity Report

Prepared for: Aleksandar Bjelica
Company: ProGlove
Date 04/25/2023
Warehouse Operations Productivity Report

To win the race to productivity, you have to prepare carefully. What’s the road ahead and what are your best choices, from the status quo to cutting-edge options. This report is designed to help you choose wisely.

Per our analysis, ProGlove innovation can deliver the following to your warehouse:

Total time savings per day


Total cost savings per day

Costs | Euro

Overall increase in warehouse productivity per year


This substantial rise in productivity is based on our experience with customers, and the data you provided. No doubt, this puts you in the driver’s seat in meeting demand

Additional worker/resources time per week


Increase the retention of skilled workers


Roi in the first year

Warehouse Operations Productivity Report

Customer feedback on the impact of ProGlove on worker health, safety, retention, and satisfaction

A client’s test showed no over-extension of head or shoulders, ability to use of both hands, use of neutral wrist position, better usage of the associate’s power zone.

-50% reduction of serious Injuries from specifically musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) recordable injuries related to wrist/arm/shoulder pain from improper handling of items.

-The RULA assessment of the ProGlove scanner shows a reduction in wrist flexion by 66% and wrist twist by 33% compared to current state scanners.

ProGlove scanners represent an almost 90% reduction in weight over current devices in use, which reduces strain on the worker.

Warehouse Operations Productivity Report

Removing the handheld scanner from the process means workers’ hands are now free to use proper lift and carry technique without repeatedly grasping and releasing the handheld scanner. This client found that workers put down the scanner on average of 125 times/hour.

Worker feedback was overwhelmingly positive as they felt the ProGlove unit eliminated one of the most frustrating aspects of the Each Receive process (pistol-grip barcode scanning) without changing the process itself. ProGlove enjoys a 95% worker satisfaction.