Strategic partner EVS logo - proglove wearable barcode scanners

Immediate, Accurate, and Safe Warehouse Operations Management


Mobe3 WMS Solution

The sophisticated asset location awareness, real-time inventory management and advanced supply chain management are benefits of EVS’ mobe3 WMS solution. Now, integrated with ProGlove’s lightweight, ergonomic, wearable barcode scanners the warehouse operations will be more flexible and profitable

Each worker is now equipped with the most advanced technologies in way that is easy and comfortable to use, and which requires little or no training.

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A ProGlove Strategic Alliance: EVS

ProGlove and EVS share a commitment to enhancing human-centered productivity, putting people first for a safe, healthy, and hyper-efficient workplace. ProGlove has selected EVS as a Strategic Alliance partner, because together, we are able to bring unique value to warehouse operations.

EVS develops and delivers cutting-edge supply chain software solutions. Their products include mobe3 WMS, a cloud-based warehouse management system (WMS) that allows businesses to automate their inventory. mobe3 WMS is easy to use and configurable, and it integrates with legacy ERP systems.  mobe3 Live, provides businesses with real-time operational visibility.

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Increase picks per hour by 300%

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Eliminate manual error, fulfill orders with 100% accuracy

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Save an average of 90% on returned product S&H costs

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Triple the efficiency of workers

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Increase worker safety and satisfaction


Use Cases

Warehouse Floor Worker

  • All the information you need, when you need it
  • Become faster, more accurate
  • Work smarter and safer

Forklift Operator

  • Routes and picks are predetermined
  • Two-way communication identifies issues
  • Both hands are always free

Warehouse Supervisor / Manager

  • Make better decisions with access to real-time data
  • Connect to all systems, as needed
  • Know where everyone is, all the time

A WMS that is flexible and configurable / fully integrated with your ERP as well as other systems, even Slack

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